After traveling extensively in Vietnam years ago, I am quite addicted to its fresh, tasty cuisine. What I loved on my trip was getting a Bánh mì (a sandwich) whenever I was using public transport. There is nothing better than these delicious sandwiches while you sit for hours on a train. But, this is also great as a quick lunch. So far though I hadn’t found anything in Vienna which was remotely as interesting. Finally on a Friday afternoon I met a friend for a quick lunch at Bánh mì. And the name speaks for itself, here you can get said sandwiches.

inside the small restaurant @Bánh mì
I ordered the Heo xá xíi (char siu pork) with extra pâté. That’s exactly the way you would get it in Vietnam. When the sandwich came to the table it is still warm, slightly toasted and full of goodness. Biting in to it I felt like I am back in Hoi An. How great is that for a sandwich.

Vietnamese sandwich @Bánh mì
My friend ate the summer rolls with pork and together we shared a glass noodle salad with shrimps. The rolls were good, with a really nice Hoisin sauce, if maybe a bit in the dry side. The salad though is bland. There is only a hint of spice in the back, not enough onions, and lacks overall taste.

summer rolls @Bánh mì

glass noodle salad @Bánh mì
So you can’t have it all, but you can definitely have great Bánh mì here. If you are looking for a great Bánh mì, search no more. This is your place! Yours, Pollybert
Bánh Mì
1040 Wien, Faulmanngasse 1
Tel: +43 660 4770800
Mon-Fri: 11:30-20:00