Our road trip was coming to an end and we were already on our last day. So of course we were hard pressed for time. There was still much to see and also a bit of the road to make until Vienna. After a busy day, with Košice, Spiš Castle, and Levoča, we had another full day ahead of us. Today we would explore the High Tatras. We had spent the night in Tatranská Lomnica in the Penzión Encián, so far the most expensive and least comfortable accommodation.

Penzión Enzián @Tatranská Lomnica
Tatranská Lomnica is actually the highest point of the High Tatras but also a great starting point to discover area. Hiking seemed to be the favorite past time for all other tourists. But since we had neither the time nor were equipped for anything more than a short walk, we settled on a stroll. The plan was to do so on the Tatranská Lomnica. While walking to the cable car station the top was still visible, but while we bought the tickets, the peak hid behind thick clouds.

walking to the cable car station @Tatranská Lomnica
There was no point then to go all the way to the top. We therefore decided that the plateau in the middle called Skalnaté Pleso was enough for us. No point in waiting for the connection when there is nothing to see. Also, this has to be mentioned for the sake of transparency, the full ride to the top is really expensive. Halfway up was good enough for me.

Tatranská Lomnica in the clouds somewhere @Slovakia
Once on top, or rather the middle, the temperature had definitely dropped. So instead of strolling around for some time, we took a lot of pictures of us with the hidden Tatranská Lomnica in the back. On further inspection the Skalnaté Pleso offers also a small lake which on my pictures is almost invisible. No wonder, since it has the color of its surroundings.

the cable car to the top with the lake on the right @Tatranská Lomnica
In the end we got a coffee in the self-service restaurant on Skalnaté Pleso and drank it while congratulating ourselves for deciding against riding all the way to the top. We would have been miserable up there. But at least we had been to the High Tatras. As you can see Austrian products also clearly come around in this world.

coffee at the middle station @Tatranská Lomnica
The view down on the village was not much better, it was dark and miserable. Time to drink up and leave for warmer places. Yours, Pollybert

looking onto the village below @Tatranská Lomnica