More impressions of Copenhagen

Sometimes it happens (tbh very often) that I have a surplus of pictures. Like from this trip to Copenhagen. Some…

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Directly at the harbor front lies The Standard with its restaurants Almanak, Studio and a jazz club. And this is…

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Snacking our way through Copenhagen

Copenhagen was a culinary experience and one I want to share with you. This post is not so much about…

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What I learned in Scotland

Going on holidays as a “family” was a new experience for me. Also traveling by car through the amazing highlands…

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The doors of Scotland

Moving around in Scotland for four days gave me ample time to take some door pictures again. As you can…

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Dunnottar Castle

Sunday morning in Stonehaven dawned upon Dunnottar Castle but not in our room. The curtains were closed and it was…

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Culloden Moor

History is my thing. Combine that with a love story, roll it into a novel and I won’t come up…

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On the shores of Loch Ness

After leaving Fort Augustus and the lovely Lovat Hotel behind us we turned our attention on Urquhart Castle. Directly on…

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The good life

After a more than exhausting day driving around in the countryside and soaking up Scottish history we looked for something…

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The flowers of Scotland

Even though I traveled here in fall there were still flowers in abundance. Please enjoy, for other features of flowers…

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