What I learned in Berlin (the second time around)

The second time in a city, I didn’t think there was anything to tell. But looking at the pictures now…

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Berlin is different

Berlin is not only beautiful, dirty, hip, urban, young, vibrant and full of tattooed people, it is also very different…

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Dinner places in Berlin

Three nights in Berlin mean three dinners in Berlin! It’s always the girls who choose where we eat. Which is…

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Breakfast places in Berlin

Spending a long weekend in Berlin and staying at a hotel which offered vegetarian/vegan breakfast options gave me ample time…

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A weekend in Berlin

Berlin has already once before been the destination in this particular constellation (okay almost the same). Traveling as a “family”…

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What I learned in Berlin

Being in Berlin for a long weekend made me realize a couple of things. As done by now on several…

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The doors of Berlin

Taking pictures of doors started innocently enough (click here) but then became part of my ‘thing’ (click here). So now…

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Last day in Berlin

When you have fun, time flies. Our Berlin vacation weekend was almost at an end. Just one more breakfast and…

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Still raining in Berlin 

After lining up for at least 45 minutes at the Pergamon Museum without seeing anything, it was time to move…

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A rainy day in Berlin

After being lucky the day before we woke up on Saturday to a bleak and grey sky. Good then that…

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