Eggs Benedict in Vienna (Part 7)

What can I say? Eggs Benedict are still my favorite kind of breakfast. By now I have already infected my…

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Breakfast at StadtCafe – update

StadtCafe has a very prominent location across from Bank Austria Kunstforum, and also a large terrace in a rather pedestrian…

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Eggs Benedict in Vienna (Part 6)

The search continues for the perfect eggs Benedict. When this all started there were just a few restaurants in Vienna,…

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Breakfast at Kutsch

Kutsch is a relatively new restaurant around the already popular Kutschkermarkt in Vienna. Nonetheless I already made it there for…

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Eggs Benedict in Vienna (Part 5)

Eggs Benedict have long been my favorite breakfast dish. After my ongoing search to find the best ones in Vienna,…

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Breakfast at Restaurant Donnersmarkt

That Donnersmarkt is part of a hotel was noticeably right away. I entered through the actual entrance, the one with…

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Breakfast at Liebling

Liebling has a second location in the Volkstheater, which I frequented already a couple of times. But I’ve never been…

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Breakfast at Bean & Water

Bean & Water is not a place you pass during a random walk through the city. Rather it takes some…

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Breakfast at Oko Wien – permanently closed

Asian breakfasts are a rarity in Vienna. So when I saw Oko Wien, I was all for trying something new.…

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Breakfast at Das Columbus

I don’t think I have ever been to the 10th district for breakfast. But when I left the city by…

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